Month: April 2016

  • Update 2: The sort of final route, other bits and being a rainbow

    Update 2: The sort of final route, other bits and being a rainbow

    I’m going for a 255km walk to raise funds and awareness for M.E/CFS and to, well, just walk.
    Read more about why I’m walking.

    My Final Route

    After much research and trying to navigate the various logistic challenges, my final route is San Sebastian to Santander. Covering a total of 255km and likely to last 12 days of walking.


    Maya, me and 3 Chums on the Camino

    bc5caa62-19ac-4dcc-8222-1bfbd1286441So I haven’t told Maya yet that she’s walking 12 days with me – I mean , I’ve spoken the words but I don’t really know that she understands what I mean. But she trusts me and she’ll go along. Though I’m not entirely sure how long that loyalty is going to last after the second day!

    We’ll be joined at various points by friends. My amiga from Germany – Helen – at the start for 3 days, then the lovely James from the UK for 4 days. Poor James is joining during some of the longest walks – but he is a seasoned walker and I’m honored to have him on those long, endless walks.

    Somewhere in between the start and end , my Bolivian friend – the ever smiling Horacio – will join for a few days and we will no doubt laugh until we cry!

    Tremendously excited to share this journey with 3 amazing people.

    Got gear

    So the gear list is almost all provisioned and my packing list is nearly complete.

    Sleeping bag
    Sleeping mat
    Walking Poles
    Blister prevention hiking socks
    Compeed anti blister plasters
    Solar Charger
    Night light
    Walking shoes/trail shoes
    5 x easy dry/wickaway t-shirts
    2 x lightweight walking trousers – convertible into shorts
    Flip flops 
    1 x hoodie
    5x underpants (or 1 pair reversible 🙂
    Maya brush
    Cagoule rain outerware
    Packaway pillow
    2x Microfibre towels (one for Maya)
    First aid kit


    More Training

    My goal by Thursday May 5th is to able to get my tent pitched in darkness and in the rain in 5 minutes or less. It will be like a military drill!

    Unfortunately, work commitments have meant that I have fallen behind in my training schedule. So this week – Thursday to be exact – I’ll hike a 24 km round trip fully loaded and a 32km round trip next Monday. Then that will be it!

    I couldn’t have gotten this far without help… meet Maria

    So I work with my clients on-site 10 days a month including travel time. Then I work 8-12 hours a day of the rest of the time on Amazemeet, Snaptime and whatever else I’m exploring – when I’m not with clients.

    I realised pretty quickly that I needed help but had no real idea what form that help should take. So I hired someone who did. For my startup adventures in Amazemeet and the 27 other ideas we have on the list, I hired Clara Bielefeld to be my co-conspirator with a marketing and growth focus (that’s a fancy title for ‘awesome ninja lady’). Clara, seeing my quite obvious predicament as an over-committed person, suggested I hire a Virtual Assistant.

    So I hired Maria Bellido – someone with seemingly inexhaustible enthusiasm! She has helped with researching accommodation options, dates and times to things, spoken to hotels and generally provided support that would have been nigh on impossible for me to do as competently and as timely.

    If you are ever in need of a superbly organised, intelligent and enthusiastic person to help get things sorted, flights booking, research done, flowers ordering (ahem!) and whatever else. I know just the person.
    Did I mention she speaks 5 languages!!

    Be a Rainbow and Give What You Can…please.

    My target is still unreached – though I have raised the goal twice. Please donate now to help reach it.

    Every single cent of every Dollar or Euro, every penny of every Pound you donate to this walk goes to activism and awareness raising by InvestInME who are in the forefront of fighting for greater awareness and funding by the UK government for ME/CFS research. This disease devastates the lives of the people that have the it and the lives of the people that care for them. You and I can be a rainbow in their clouds.

    You can make it easier for them with a simple donation – no more than 2 minutes of your time and less than the price of a coffee and slice of cake.

    Please donate and share this post.

    Photo by scottdurgan

    Photo by Jake Cook