Month: June 2018

  • I Want to Help One Billion People Prioritise Their Happiness

    I Want to Help One Billion People Prioritise Their Happiness

    A very bizarre set of events led me to discover Mo Gawdat and his movement onebillionhappy.

    This highly inspiring man who could, by all accounts, be sitting in his wealth, isolated from everything that is going on in the world, is instead on an audacious mission to help ONE BILLION people figure out and focus on their happiness.

    Not only for themselves, but to significantly shift the narrative we are all putting out into the world – specifically to shift  what data machines learn from.

    I love this and I’m going to help.

    What’s not to love? Help people prioritise and invest in their happiness leading to happier lives and help a better world data stream that machines can learn from.
    I’m in.

    Over the next 3 months, I want to run an experiment:

    I will invite 8 people to join a ~30 minute video call where we will explore what happiness means to each of us and how we each invest in it.

    Each person invited commits to run another 8 person meetup – online or offline, in exactly the same way, discussing exactly the same topic. And so on.

    If my math is right (it’s basically 8^10) and the plan works, in 10 weeks, over ONE BILLION people will have met. No repeats, no strain on organisers.

    Just a simple 30 minute conversation.

    Each person will have invested about 1 hour to create such an impact – 30 minutes as a guest, 30 minutes as a host.

    Here is my simple projection:

    Thank you for being willing to help with this experiment and if you would like to be included in the invitation, please comment below.