The last three days
No, I haven’t been abducted by aliens. I apologise for not posting to this blog over the last 3 days. It’s been a tough few days, spent mostly making art and exercising my passions.
- Glad I had invested 3 solid days in pushing to close off the outstanding tasks to get ServiceChat beta live.
- Seriously Glad that ServiceChat beta is now live and I can now focus on
- Sad I hurt my back and this stopped my main workouts
- Glad I’m averaging 1.5 hours of Spanish lessons a day. Totally loving Duolingo.com
- Excited that some early users will begin using it today/tomorrow.
- I’m grateful for having a pulse, this much fun without one would be a tad difficult.
I’m so in.
With the release of ServiceChat beta, the main push is to begin rapid execution of my marketing plan.
Reach out to my network and get as much exposure to the content I have created to inspire conversations with businesses to sign up. Mostly through Linked In!
Also I need to resume, in earnest, the research of companies on Twitter to see living proof of the problem I am trying to solve and generate targets for my marketing reach out.
The Trello board…
I thought I might include the ‘Achieved’ column, to remind you and myself just how much big stuff I have actually achieved in a really short time.
Every life needs a lull in the proceedings to reflect and celebrate. Tonight it is curry and wine. Viva la Lull!
Stay foolish, stay hungry.