
  • What happens on #Twitter when someone like #Mandela dies

    I was going to title this post – ‘What billions of silent voices screaming at the same time look like’ – but it seemed too dramatic.

    As I was about to release the pre-beta of my new app Hashies, the news came on the wire that Nelson Mandela had died. I wasn’t particularly shocked – more relieved actually. I do feel like I have lost a beloved grandfather – I think most of the world feels the same. But in the last few months, the situation around him and the media frenzy was grotesque to say the least. I wished nothing more than a peaceful passing on for Mr Mandela and when it came I felt only relief and gratitude for a beautiful brave life.

    Hashies tracks what people are saying on a hashtag in near real time. Given the news, ‘#Mandela’ seemed the way to go. Before I heard the news – it was going to be ‘#JustinBeiber’ – glad it wasn’t!

    Enough said, here is what it looked like.

    And just to be sure – there is no one quite like Mr Mandela. And there is unlikely to ever be. RIP Madiba.