Iraqi Elections

Any kind of election was what was required in Iraq. Any kind of election would satisfy the requirements of its main organisaers.

As widely predicted, most Shias voted and most Sunnis didn’t. Of course this has to do with decades of Shia oppression, who incidentally are in the majority, by Saddam’s despotic regime. Are the tables turning in Iraq? Will the balance of power horribly tip in favour of the Shia? Will Iraqi be faced with a Shia version of Saddam, instilled with the scars of decades of tribal bitterness?

In the months leading to the elections, insurgents, driven by a variety if motivations – nationalistic and religious – have waged a bloody campaign of ‘guerilla’ warfare. Kidnappings and hostage execution, bombings , assasinations and other attacks, resulting in an enhanced climate of fear. Of course the presence of the US and their documented abuses in Iraq already raised this fear to desperate levels.

Despite all this, what remains clear is that whoever forms the ‘new’ administration of Iraq will face more than insurgency. With the tab running on its liberation – $174 billion so far by the US alone – (lets not forget how much protection cost the Saudis in Gulf War 1), this is new economic slavery unfolding right before our very eyes.
On this issue of debt accumulation, the US and its allies in Operation Iraqi Liberation, OIL (oops) , I mean Freedom, have called for debt forgiveness. Of course they would. Legacy Iraqi debt was principally to Russia and other Arab nations. They now want old debts forgiven to make way for insurmountable new debt, to them. A debt that will guarantee peonage to generations of Iraqis.

After years of sanctions, there is no social infrastructure to speak of. Electricity is basic, communications , health, education. The list goes on. The human resource of Iraq is decimated. To be fair, Saddam was responsible for much of this, but that does not excuse the West’s role. Its complicity in the pauperisation is well documented.

The amount of investment required to reinstate basic services is monumental – the UN and World Bank initially estimate $55 billion for the rebuilding. Where is the money for this investment to come from.

It is said that wealth, like energy is never destroyed. Like energy, it also continuosly flows. Well Iraqi wealth, like the Saudis’ and the Kuwaitis’ will flow, as oil and rebuilding contracts, back to the the US.

We have introduced ‘democracy’ to Iraq, our brand that discourages dissent of Empire and forces upon its recipients the wonder of private property and as a bonus prize, the Law that ensures the compliance of all. We have unleashed upon Iraq a system of greed and the unending pursuit of wealth and we shall reap the benefits of our undertaking. Of course, elections will result in huge aid pouring into Iraq. The West will line up to recognise the new administration as well as agree contracts.
Levis, Starbucks and other envoys of ‘democracy’ will no doubt pitch their stalls, in support of freedom. In time, the West will get a return on its investment in Iraq, far more than it ever put in.

So let us hail the Iraqi elections, our economies will be better for it. Iraq will buy guns from us and soon to follow will be contracts to kit out schools, hospitals and other destroyed infrastructure. Correction, Iraq will buy from the US and they will decide which of its coalition of the bribed, bullied and beaten will be offered the crumb.


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