Yesterday(and the previous 2 days)
The last few days have been like driving in a tunnel, with occasional pauses to check the map. Sometimes where you want to is actually a bloody long way away!
All this grind has yielded a bunch of exciting potential pivots – bizbuzz as a data visualisation tool for businesses and opportunities to use it to encourage business to explore ServiceChat. All this is rather cryptic, I know, as they become clearer , I’ll share more.
So here is my check in:
- Sad that I’m not getting the level of end-customer conversations as I want. I feel that this is vital validation I am missing. Plod on.
- Sad that my consistency with language study is dropping. Sad that even though I attend at the scheduled time, I’m not present.
- Glad that both my advisors were excited about the work I had done to find valuable customers. Their insights about other potential uses of the tech is hugely encouraging.
- Glad I have decided that ServiceChat does not really support a freemium model and making plans to change this.
- Glad I decided to go to the beach with my family yesterday, taking a break help reinvigorate me and revitalise my relationships. More memory making.
- Delighted that I was accepted to blog for FounderSync , it will be the bulk of my startup experiences.
- Glad I blogged about one of my favorite poems: ‘A Dog Has Died’
- I’m grateful for what I don’t know. It is the foundation of my curiosity.
I’ve got a stonking cold, but I’m in.
Improve On…
Being present in my scheduled activity
Complete a spike into making bizbuzz more of a public tool.
Work on a biz model canvas for bizbuzz, to explore how it might work as a pivot.
Talk to more of the end customers that I am discovering for ServiceChat
The Trello board…(a slight expanded version)
Remember your limits. Seek to extend them, but remember them.