Tag: advice

  • Offer: Let's have a helpful conversation

    Offer: Let's have a helpful conversation

    It seems that when I’m most busy is when I also seem to want to share and help others the most – so continuing in a long established tradition, I would like to offer some office hours to help anyone who needs it.

    But first – at the risk of inventing another buzzword/phrase that gets trademarked and certified, what is a ‘helpful conversation’?

    It is simply a time that you bring something a person needs help on, we talk about it and you leave feeling better, clearer, energised or otherwise ‘helped’. If you don’t leave the conversation feeling like it was s good spend of your time, then we haven’t had a ‘helpful conversation’.

    It isn’t free, it’s priceless.

    My time is the most precious thing I have and I offer it, in the hope that we both have a brilliant conversation and learn and share from each other. My reward is knowing that I helped you.

    So, what could be helpful to you?

    Here are some things I know I can help with:


    because I’ve spent the last 15 years learning by doing

    Bootstrapping a startup
    Designing your test-the-market strategy – MVPs, guerrilla testing
    Essential tools I use everyday to planning, testing, prototyping etc super easy
    Designing marketing experiments
    Dealing with failure – how to take a lickin’ and keep on tickin’
    Hiring and equity sharing
    Advising your startup on a regular basis

    Agile Things

    because I’ve been coaching for over 10 years and been a dev, product guy, maker in this space for the last 16 years 

    Most things about Scrum, Kanban, Lean and variations therein.
    Should you get agile certification? I have an alternative view and can help talk you through your options.
    Building and growing self-organisation, empowered teams
    Being an effective manager or executive in an agile organisation or during a transition

    Helping People be Successful & Joyful

    because that is basically what my entire career has been about – and I love it.

    Using improv to get better at being present, collaborative and generally ‘good to work with’
    Software and tech industry career advice – what you might want to invest in (and not) as you start out in tech –  attitudes and essential skills
    Valuing learning and relationships.
    Getting mentors

    Business meeting culture

    because I built a startup to fix this and it has 6000 users.

    Simple techniques to transform your personal meeting behaviour
    Make any meeting better (or at the very least, suck less)
    Helping your organisation have fewer and better meetings

    I want a helpful conversation,  how do we do this?

    I thought you’d never ask! This is simple as pie.

    If you don’t know anything about me – I encourage you to check out my about page, my LinkedIn and some of my tweets.

    Then, if you think I could be helpful,  checkout my office hours availability, book an available time slot and show up.

    There, all done. I look forward helping however I can.