Tag: non-pc

  • A Very Funny Chat – Warning: Adult Themes

    I love the people I chat with on Skype. Most are irreverent and simply don’t take life too seriously. Well, actually they take a small bit of life  very seriously.

    It was my friend Tommy’s birthday and I skyped him to wish him well (to be honest I was prompted by Skype – a feature I have loved forever!).
    You may know him from such twitter profiles as @kode4food – where he plays a grouchy, irreverent developer/maker.

    Here is the transcript. Hope you cry laughing 😉



    It’s Tommy’s birthday today
    Forgot the birthday card? We can help – send them a Skype Gift Card instead.

    Me 10:27
    Hapy Birfday to you, Happy Birfday to you, Happy Birfday dear Tommy, Happy Birfday to you. Hip Hip Surgery!

    Tommy 10:35
    haha thanks!

    Me 11:40
    What you got planned?

    Tommy 12:17
    well.. my wife (soon to be) bought me a nice tobacco pipe.. I figured I’d smoke that a little bit, then have some indian food, then come back and smoke a little more. it’s a bit rainy today, so not much else can be done

    I figure now that i’m 41 and I’ve spent most of my life playing it safe, it’s time to throw caution to the wind and start smoking

    Me 12:19
    dude – thats is stupid idea

    Tommy 12:19
    not like I’ll be a chain smoker, 
    it’s a fucking pipe after all

    Me 12:19
    dude – its a fucking filthy habit

    Tommy 12:19
    I’m a filthy filthy man

    Me 12:20
    you always think its cool, but its filthy
    its like walking around with dried turd on your underpants filthy

    not 90 year old man fucking a 21 year old hottie filthy

    Tommy 12:20

    Me 12:20
    easy to confuse I know

    Tommy 12:21
    who says I don’t already walk around with dried turd in my shorts?

    Me 12:21
    but your clothes will stink like an ashtray and
     your wife (soon to be) will stop kissing you

    I swear

    Tommy 12:21
    nah, she won’t

    Me 12:21
    and your pseudo kids will learn that you don’t respect yourself, not really

    and will subliminally not respect you, all because papa hittin the old man pipe

    Tommy 12:22
    I think they already know that
    god, if they only knew me in my twenties

    Me 12:23
    you will be such a conformist when you smoke this, you will join the ranks of the can’t think for themselves

    Tommy 12:23
    I smoked weed like a chimney from the time I got home til the time I went to bed

    Me 12:24
    weed is an exception when you have brain cells to burn, dude you are on a downward spiral now re: brain cells

    Tommy 12:24
    comformists smoke pipes?

    Me 12:24
    you need the ones you have to help you keep from being incontinent and drooling uncontrollably
    a 41 year old who can’t control his own bowel movements, well that is just wrong.

    yes – conformists smoke pipes. , fucking conformists

    Tommy 12:24
    too late!

    Me 12:25

    Tommy 12:25
    honestly, I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone smoke a pipe… like ever

    Me 12:25
    dude – clearly you are hellbent on doing this
    so do it

    Tommy 12:26
    I tried cigars, but they’re a pain in the ass

    Me 12:26
    and then stop doing it
    BTW you’re not supposed to smoke cigars with your ass 
    (it is a great party trick though)

    I once saw this woman in Bangkok smoke a cigar with her pussy
    somethings you can’t unsee.

    I’m going to put this conversation on my blog by the way

    it is fucking class.
    I will change names to protect the innocent.

    Tommy 14:55
    then you don’t even want to know about my heroin overdose suicide pact
    I think I’d like to see the Bangkok trick
    just to say I saw it
    yes, please do
    Samsung says I should buy a Galaxy Note 10 for Mom
    what’s the address of this here blog you’re gonna write?

    Me 14:59
    i will post the link once I have it – it’s one of those cheap market tricks where you don;t get to see what you;re buying. I always wanted to pull one of those scams, so now I will. With a blog post (how fucking lame!)

    I hope you enjoyed it for the crass, uncensored but thoroughly hilarious skit it is.  If not, thanks for dropping by – you might want to check out Prudes Anonymous while you’re about.