Tag: wellbeing

  • I’m going for another walk. 

    I’m going for another walk. 

    As you might know – I like to walk. So on the 10th of September I’ll be heading to Santander in beautiful Cantabria, Spain to complete the walk I started in June 2016. 

    The Camino Del Norte starts at Irun and ends in Santiago de Compostela. It runs for about 850 km with 32 stages. In June 2016, I started the walk from Irun to Santander, covering 255km and now – like a glutton for punishment – I’m heading back to complete the remaining 600km over 20 days.


    Because I can! I’m lucky enough to be physically fit and able to, but more importantly, I would like to raise some £££ in support of 3 causes I think need more recognition and support. I hope you can help me do it. 

    The causes and charities I’ve chosen to support for this walk are:

    Women’s Health

    Endometriosis UK helps take women’s illnesses more seriously. They help families and victims of endometriosis take back control by providing support, services and community.


    Sick Children’s Trust gives families one less thing to worry about when their child falls ill. Sick Children’s Trust provides a safe place to stay and someone to talk to, all free of charge.


    Alzheimer’s Research UK is the leading charity for funding dedicated research into Alzheimer’s causes and treatments in the UK. What they learn helps the world understand more about this condition that is increasingly affecting more of our elderly everywhere.

    Alzheimer’s Society are in the frontline of support and care for Alzheimer sufferers and their families – providing assistance, counselling and many other essential help. They also are active in engaging with policymakers for better support for this sector of care.

    In my upcoming posts, I’ll explain why I chose these specific causes.

    Back to the walk

    At the end of each day, I’ll share with you a summary of my walk along with the route I took. I’ll also tell you a story of someone who has unfortunately had to experience one of these three causes. Through clearer understanding and increased empathy, I hope you can give what you can and more importantly share this we need to raise awareness as much as we need to raise money.

    Camino Del Norte

    There are many Camino de Santiago routes, starting in France, Portugal, and Spain. 

    You can find more on the full route and gear I’ll be taking here.

    Traditionally, pilgrims would start their ‘camino’ from their own homes. Millions of people from all over the world have taken part in this walk. Most people have a clear idea of why they want to walk the Camino de Santiago routes: for religious reasons, as a personal spiritual journey, for a healthy challenge, or just the social aspect. 

    From my previous walks, I have felt a sense of community along the journey. You meet people, walk with them for a while, share moments together and then walk on by yourself. For me, that’s what it’s really about.

    My Reason

    Walking can be meditative. A chance to spend time with yourself and free up your mind from the noise of the outside world. It can be a way to identify what unwanted baggage you don’t realise you’re carrying. On this walk, I’ll be free of emails and replies. I can get comfortable with myself. It’s an opportunity to connect with whatever you need to connect with. 

    Within these 20 days, I encourage you to do the same. Spare a little time in the morning before work or a half hour on your evenings to get on your trainers and try it for yourself. 

    The End Game

    I want to raise £5000 by doing this walk. I want to share stories and learn more about the challenges of endometriosis, dementia and sick children. I want more people to connect with walking and themselves.

    And I need your help to do it.

    Stay tuned. I’ll be sharing more information on the 3 causes I’m supporting, my prep for the camino and how you can get involved.


    I’m just a guy going for a walk, but I know there are so many that are affected by these issues and situations that I am supporting on my walk.

    If you have a personal story to share about endometriosis, dementia or supporting sick children, please consider sharing your story with me to bring more awareness, create more empathy and bring more support.

    I want to tell your story.

    You can share your story by filling a short form that will be turned into a blog post on this site, you don’t have to give any details beyond a first name.

    I will highlight your story on a day of my walk – giving your experience space and exposure it deserves.

    Endometriosis: click or copy/paste: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd7N49kIrxGTazupIFS0SgyY4E7zBTaM6aF1imbs-FO-iJ1Ug/viewform?usp=pp_url

    Sick Children: click or copy/paste: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScRQRx_SEa2fFI6-bf9IjjAgsPlk16KCMNwk6Oc0TYkIqBV8A/viewform?usp=pp_url

    Dementia: click or copy/paste – https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd3_Oqy3jLHuvH-2nDihJlziBiqHUA6bI8Jc-_QRptZ0PU5DA/viewform?usp=pp_url

    Thanks for reading and supporting me and these incredibly important causes.

  • On Suicide.

    On Suicide.

    From my late 20s I lived with bouts of depression.

    I don’t know if I’m chemically prone to it or just the pressure of perception of the expectations I placed on myself created a new ‘gem’ in my crown. In any case, I would have quite deep lows.

    The first time the thought of suicide crossed my mind was when I was 31 – in the worst time of my divorce and wracked with guilt about failing as a father to two young children and the hitherto unresolved grief of missing my Dad. It was the usual thoughts of ‘they’d all be better without me’ / ‘I’d be better without this’ / ‘this is too much to take’.

    I have always managed to talk myself away from ending my own life. There has always been a voice of reason that chimes in and says something to talk me down. There has always been work to pour myself into, to ride out the darkness.

    Recently though, I have come to another place. One that I find great logic in and certainly what seems like a longer term cognitive solution.

    A party at Hotel California, but you can leave anytime you want.

    I accept that the person I am now can have these thoughts and probably always will – given enough stress. That’s OK. There is a cycle to it. There are signs of an impending low I can see and there are things I can do to mitigate.

    I also now accept that I have the power to end my own life anytime I chose. That is the biggest release I found. It – for me at least – is the biggest affirmation to staying alive. In a thought, I have broken the biggest reason I had to contemplate suicide – that horrible, powerless sense of being trapped.

    Speaking to my daughter recently about this, I developed a really apt metaphor (those who know me, know that metaphors are my thing!). This is something that now plays in my head and reinforces that sense of NOT feeling trapped – a new kind of fearlessness.

    Imagine you went to a party. You will hear music you love, some you hate. You will bump into rude people, you’ll hang out with others that make you laugh and love. Sometimes you will feel miserable and want to leave. But there is no exit and every time you try to leave, your friends guilt trip you into staying. At some point, you’re not having fun anymore. You’re trapped.

    What should have been a fun night, turns into a nightmare.

    But what if, as you enter the party, – you are told where the exits are and you can leave any time you want and no one would stop you. They would miss you and perhaps might feel disappointed, but you wouldn’t feel like a party pooper for wanting to leave. My bet is you would stay all night – simply because you have the power to decide if / when to leave.

    I’m sticking around in this party – however sucky it gets – because I know I can leave anytime.

    Time to teach people to not feel trapped.

    It is time for the taboo about suicide to end. I have no doubt that it contributes to the sense of being trapped that many people who consider suicide feel.

    The fact is we each do have the power to end our lives – we should have the legal right to also.
    It should not be criminalised.

    That is not to say other forms of intervention are not necessary – if someone is being abused and decides to not commit suicide, the abuse still needs to stop and the trauma of that still needs to be resolved.

    We must still talk more about how we feel with open hearts and open minds and people who need treatment should still have it. This metaphor of being able to leave the party is only a part of the bigger picture of care for all of us.

    I think that without being released from this sense of being trapped, all therapy is similar to asking a bird to live more happily in its cage.

    This might have triggered you.

    Yes, suicide is a sensitive subject.

    People who have lost loved ones and are dealing with the grief and inexplicable nature of it all might feel angry about reading what I have written. That’s OK – lets talk about it.

    I offer my words as someone on the same path as their loved ones but who has found a way to manage it differently. Perhaps it might help someone.

    Featured Photo by Kajetan Sumila on Unsplash