Month: March 2018

  • 10 Days into #LinkyBrains and this is what it's about for me.

    10 Days into #LinkyBrains and this is what it's about for me.

    10 mad days

    It has been the maddest 10 days of my life and I’ve had plenty mad.

    Time to reflect on this LinkyBrain thing – taking in all the feedback  that’s rolling in from chats, blog posts and spontaneous conversations and I’d like to share them.

    Here are my reflections, 10 days in.

    LinkyBrains has touched on something profound

    People from all kinds of backgrounds, jobs, ethnicities, genders are engaging with this. They want to share their experience, others just want to read and comment. Others still are volunteering to help – even as the plan of what needs help is emerging.

    People are organising and meeting up and connecting.

    The Core Are Committed

    Every community/movement was started somewhere by someone.

    This one started with  3 naked dancers –  Doug, Alex and Chris.
    It was joined by a follower – Mike (me) – now we are all dancing naked.

    It is what it is.

    We aren’t more important, we aren’t thought leaders, we sure as hell aren’t experts in anything remotely like this.  ‘First’ doesn’t confer any more rights and privileges than ‘last’. What matters is being in the movement – everyone earns their respect from the things they choose to help with, and the impact they create.

    We are simply naked dancers and we keep dancing and working to keep the dance growing. Join in.

    We are walking a fine line. Inclusion vs Exclusivity

    A really amazing article gave words to what many seemed to be thinking:

    Is this some kind of self-congratulating, wealthy male party?

    Is this another exclusive club for those who love talking about themselves – because we need that like a hole in the head?

    Is this LinkyBrain vs non LinkyBrain?

    No. It isn’t any of that. 

    The narratives so far seems to be dominated with stories/confessions of ‘look how great I turned out with these things that should have slowed me down’.

    If that is all you read, it would paint a picture of exclusivity. But I see this differently.

    Life is full of challenges, they are like tunnels.

    Of course it can be hard for everyone but, for people who see the world differently from society’s normal range, it can be especially hard. That is what this movement is about – making it easier and helping those people contribute to the benefit of everyone.

    Most of the confessions are from ‘Jubilant emergers’ – they’ve emerged from various tunnels and discovered ways to be happy and successful at navigating tunnels.

    We are not hearing from anyone currently in a tunnel – confused with where they fit, struggling with school / work / life, being understood or however it manifests.

    We are not hearing from those approaching a tunnel – who might not even know there are tunnels.

    We are not hearing those who might not be facing the challenges themselves, but are supporting people who are. Their voices are important too.

    Those groups aren’t often able to speak out and share their realities.
    We must do better to find way to hear them. Help us.

    We need to move beyond Jubilance to sharing ways to navigate tunnels with anyone just behind us. How did you cope with this, what did you actually do to address that fear etc.

    Some abuse will happen

    I remember seeing someone trying to sell underwear with the tag #metoo. It pissed me off.

    There will always be people trying to promote a personal agenda with any movement – however noble the cause is. That is just what it is. There’s nothing I can do about that beyond doing my best and remain committed to the bigger picture.

    The Good Will Shine Through

    We – me and the emerging LinkyBrains community – are going to keep encouraging the good, the humanity in us all, the positive. We will continue to help stories emerge, help people connect and do their best work for the benefit of everyone.

    By: JohnCC BY 2.0

    I am an unwavering believer in the fundamental goodness of people and that will carry our efforts to everywhere in the world. It will quieten the negativity and amplify the goodness.

    What Now?

    You have simple decisions to make :

    Help or not.

    Join the dance or watch from the sidelines – pointing and laughing while we change the world.

    Helping is easier than you imagine – just some easy things you can do now!

     I’m still dancing. I’m in.

  • I have a confession. I'm a #Linkybrain

    I have a confession. I'm a #Linkybrain

    The world became much less lonely for me two weeks ago.
    I was quietly minding my own business, doing what I always do – dream and deliver. Then I read something that connected with feelings I had buried deep and lost the key to. Then I read another and another – until it was clear. I was not alone in my world.

    I’m an outsider born to outsiders. Born to an Punjabi mum whose parents migrated to Singapore and a black Caribbean dad who escaped a small island at 17. Both moved first to Ghana and then to Nigeria to do great things with newly independent countries. So you see, none of us fit.

    Mixed race children are natural outsiders – we are never fully one nor the other. We force the world to consider its fucking boxes. But that is another story.

    Growing up in Nigeria, I adapted to fit in. If you are fairer skinned than the norm, you get called names – not hateful – but being called ‘Oyinbo’ still stings when all you want to do is not attract attention.

    School was unremarkable to say the least. I did the minimum to stay in the game. I was great at English  – my parents were both teaching it.  But I remember thinking at age 9 – ‘why are we being taught this exact thing and not something else’ – even if I didn’t know what that something else was – I knew there had to be.

    I was the kid for whom the multiple choice options never had the answer. The one for whom the opportunity to free flow the answer and bring previously unconnected ideas to the question was golden.

    I saw so many of my friends who I now believe to be linky brained struggle and cope the best they could. Some were literally brutalised by the corporal punishment culture of the educational system. Others marched tirelessly to the predestined outcomes of their parents – ‘you will be a lawyer/doctor/accountant!’

    I now recognise I had the most supportive parents ever. They let me try (and fail) at so many things without pressure, including

    • worked at a chicken farm
    • apprenticed to an TV repair guy at 11
    • apprenticed to a basket weaver at 12
    • learned to drive at 13 (which was briefly interrupted because I killed the lawnmower)
    • started a micro-loan service at 13
    • programmer of computers from age 13
    • delivery guy for my dad’s bar from 14
    • video club entrepreneur from  14 (we only had 200 films that my mum brought as hand luggage on her travels)  – I would lend the same film out to the same person at 5 times – each time telling them a different story line!
    • my house was a magnet for LinkyBrains – a sanctuary for all those written off for not being focused or academically brilliant. My mother took them under her wing, they became my friends and family.
    • travelling and experiencing different cultures and viewpoints. I had been to Canada, the US, Singapore, Russia, Togo, Malaysia, Ghana by the time I was 10 – seeing what poverty looked like, seeing how people welcome you.

    My Confession

    I am driven by an incredible amount of empathy for the human condition. Having had my ass handed to me by life – my dad died when I was 17, I was married by 21 and had the first of my 4 kids at 23. Divorced at 29. That either kills you, turns you into a mean drunk or fills you with compassionate understanding that we aren’t perfect, we fuck up but we are also powerful beyond belief.

    I need people around me, that get me and are passionate, to amplify my magnificence. We become greater than the sum of our parts.

    I day dream a lot.. Always have and I hope I always will. In my mind – time just stops and I slip into the gaps in reality. This is where I imagine what the world could be and how to make it happen. So if we are ever in conversation and I appear glassy eyed and unresponsive – you’ll know where I am.

    I am cursed with ideas and enough of all the skills to have a go at them. My only enemy is time and the absolute principle not to fuck people over.

    I’ve been told to ‘focus’, to pick one thing, to specialise. I’ve apologised for this. I’m done apologising.

    I suck at execution – because life gets in the way and I often can’t sustain the enthusiasm in the ensuing drudgery. I love working with people who help sustain me.

    I tend to outpace and out-passion my partners. Which often leads to disaster – someone I’ve come to deeply respect suggests that I ‘sabotage’ those relationships. Needs further exploration, but suspect he is correct.

    For the longest time, I craved a sense of belonging – to find where I fit. I even craved to be mediocre because that seemed to be a group that just exists without much effort. But it didn’t work out – my curiosity captured me again.

    I have multiple focuses at any one time. I can’t do it any other way. I get bored and frustrated. I jump from thing to thing and back again. I recently learned this is how artists work on a piece. A bit here and there, working in iterations until the piece is done. This often annoying variation in my wiring has led me to:

    • learning to fly planes
    • doing a human rights masters and speaking at the UN Human Rights Commission
    • having multiple attempts at learning the saxophone, piano and conga drums, Italian, Spanish and Japanese – each attempt builds on the last and brings me closer to my outcome. I don’t seek mastery.
    • building and failing at more startup ideas than I care to admit to, losing incredible amounts of time and money and amassing incredible amounts of learning and relationships.

    I’m really good at building teams – I mean crazy good. At making people feel valued and valuable. My gift is interaction and the breaking of barriers. I connect people with ideas and make them fly.

    Many things do not interest me at all – I do not pretend anymore.

    I’m a master at embracing uncertainty. It doesn’t scare me at all. I think it is a red herring.

    Failing my children is my greatest fear. By failing, I mean not giving them the greatest range of experiences from which they can make better choices and the support to realise they are magnificent.

    I often feel alone in crowds and I invent personalities to entertain myself – from all the crazy shit I’ve seen, done and seen done. If you see me grinning to myself in a crowd, now you know why – ask to be invited in.

    I’m prone to depression and I now know how to manage this more successfully. There are still times of sadness and melancholy – often at the world and my perceived lack of impact on those things I promised myself to care about.

    I very often feel like an imposter  – even in a profession that I have done successfully for 20+ years and in some areas that I helped to define as a role. I find myself comparing what I know to what others know – and I’m never that good!

    I’ve done incredible things. People have told me later that I helped them realise huge things in their lives – open up more, make a decision they’ve avoided or just get out of a rut they are in. It is magnificent.

    I’m fascinated by why people do the things they do and why they don’t do the things they love. My mission is to have more people value Joy above all else.

    I am a #LinkyBrain and I’m not alone.


  • No one is unstoppable forever.

    No one is unstoppable forever.

    Looking at the current landscape of tech giants, from Facebook to Google, from Stripe to Intel, it is almost impossible to imagine they can ever be out-spent or out-competed.-

    Whilst they might seem unstoppable – with the sheer brain power they employ and the almost bottomless stash of cash they command, it is reassuring that every giant has its weaknesses.

    Some weaknesses might be transient –  momentary lapses of attention, or wrong footed by some government legislation or mishandle a sensitive public issue and start to lose patronage. Others might be systemic – by virtue of their size, their industry, regulatory constraints, their leadership failings or something more permanent.

    For those wishing to find the kink and exploit it – they should be prepared to move as fast as they possibly can. They need to cultivate now, the ability to make decisions very quickly, to execute spectacularly fast and to maximise the natural love that the market has for upstarts and underdog to their advantage.

    What kinks in iron of the giants have you spotted? What should the upstarts and underdogs watch for?

  • March's 30 Day Challenge: 2 minutes of high knees + 3 minutes of push ups!

    March's 30 Day Challenge: 2 minutes of high knees + 3 minutes of push ups!

    5 Minutes seems the right amount of time

    To get to a very nice sweat – with the right exercises of course.

    The 30 Day Plank Challenge was phenomenal! My back, legs and core feel so much more reliable. I think that they are so effective that I will keep doing them every other day, in addition to the current challenge.

    2 minutes of non-stop High Knees + 3 minutes of as many push ups as I can manage – every day, for 30 days.

    If you don’t know what the High Knee exercise is, here is a great intro (ignore the smatlzcy American accent):

    The key is sticking with it for as long as you can manage. I find that going slower is a better option than stopping – because it is really hard to get started again.

    As for push ups, maintaining proper form is key to avoid injury. This dude gives great intro. Classic push up is fine – if you are adventurous, do some funky variations.

    I’ve started already – so lets see how it goes! Good luck and please get moving.


    I use the very useful IntervalTimer by Seconds Pro to help me not cheat on the timing. Here is the timer for this high knees and pushups challenge.

    Challenge yourself!

    Next for April: 2 minute burpees + 3 minutes of squats, every morning !

  • My 15 Year List of Ideas is a Ready Made Company Selector

    My 15 Year List of Ideas is a Ready Made Company Selector

    For the last 15 years I’ve maintained a list of ideas to build – things that both excite me and improve the world.

    I’ve kept it pruned, adding new ideas, removing those that no longer seem viable and adding more details of the idea over time to those that still do.

    It turns out this list is a wonderful way to help me identify those companies that I would really love to work with. To help those people build things that I am passionate enough to want to build myself.

    Turns out that I care more that those amazing and positive things become realised and are in the world doing good than I do about being the person that created them.

    Turns out I’m equally happy to be one of the many hands and hearts to bring them into existence.

    One such company is Too Good To Go – this amazing organisation is using tech to reduce food waste.

    Their mission ties in so strongly with an idea that I had about five years ago – “fix the problem of global western food waste”

    Then at the Agile Testing Days conference in Potsdam last year as I brainstormed with some amazing people including Maria Urdaneta Castro, Ilan Kirchenbaum and Karen Greaves, that idea morphed into “The People’s Pantry”:

    So what is the takeaway here (pun intended!)

    • keep a list of your passionate ideas, keep them pruned – I spend 2 hours a month on this. Remember to write what the compelling goal is  – what change do you want to see in the world.

    • keep a look out for those people/organisation that are trying to build it.

    • join them and help, if you can.

    I hope this proves helpful to you to remember what you are passionate about and to help when you are looking for a job where passion and purpose are important.

    Thanks for reading and I’ll let you know how it goes 🙂