Check In
- I’m sad I got mad with Katharine, it was a silly trivial thing that didn’t need to happen.
- Glad that we talked about it and made good.
- Glad that the surge of effort (I worked pretty late) to crack the twitter request functions of ServiceChat was successful
- Glad I decided to use sferik’s twitter gem as readymade classes, saved me a whole lot of hair pulling!
I’m tired but content. I’m In.
Achievements Since Last Retro
- Completed major refactor of chat provisioning from twitter
How The Trello Board Now Looks
I Learned…
- My plan for was hugely over-ambitious.
- Capistrano can be a muthafucka!
I Loved…
Riding the wave of options that emerged by using the Twitter gem, working with (rather than against) the design that emerged was a total delight.
I’m Grateful For…
The open source community – I’m hugely proud of this community that I am a small part of, the sharing of ideas and the acceptance of each other’s abilities (or lack thereof).
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