In Spain, we call New Year’s Eve night – ‘noche vieja’, and as the night ebbs away, leaving seconds left of the year that was – you are meant to ‘quickly’ eat a grape for every second of the last 12 seconds of the year – making a wish for the new year with each grape. These 12 seconds are generally guided by a chime usually from any TV channel that is on.

You are reminded to keep your wish to yourself. Well – that’s the tradition.
This year – like most things in 2020, it didn’t quite go to plan.
I screwed up and ate all my grapes on the chimes that prepare for the actual chimes. (massive UX fail by the way – Canal Sur!!), so I didn’t actually get to make my wishes.
Lets each have 3 wishes…
So this morning, as my sons came for a morning cuddle, I announced we would get 3 wishes each and in turn say them out loud.
They had to be specific – because we wanted to give the Universe as much detail as possible. Also wishes for other people counted as double strength.
‘But aren’t we supposed to wish to ourselves?’, asked my son.
‘Yes’, I said – ‘but the Universe hears you better when you say it out loud’.
So we took turns saying out loud what we each wished for in this brand new year of 2021.
Why out loud?
Although this was all rather flippantly put together and spontaneous – it did get me thinking. Why have we been programmed to keep our wishes to ourselves?
From shooting stars to blowing out birthday cake – ‘don’t say it out loud or it won’t come true’.
I believe in the power of human connections – networks of people who care about us personally and professionally. Networks that help its members get what they want – their wishes (within reason anyway).
By keeping our wishes quiet, we never activate the network and it becomes much less likely that those wishes ever happen. Serendipity never stood a chance!

Not all wishes can come true. That is just the nature of wishes.
But most can.
So try this – say what you are wishing for and let the Universe of human connection help you.
And FYI…our wishes were, in no particular order…
- a year of no conflict, no one having to flee their homeland
- a year of good health and wellbeing for all our loved ones and for our older loved ones to not feel isolated and keep happy
- make a whole bunch of money to buy a house and help the people we care about.
- no disruption from covid
So there – it is now on the internuts and serendipity can get to work – the Universe reads blogs too 🙂
Happy to hear your wishes and I will do what I can to help.
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