I probably could have had a better, more clicky title.
Can the crowd save the world?
My wife and I had a BBQ today. It started out as my idea and it worked beautifully, the end, it was ‘our’ BBQ – everyone who attended.
At one point there were going to be 50 people coming to it – our friends their families.
Catering would be expensive for one person to shoulder. So we said –
bring some food for you all and a little extra for the table.
And that’s what everyone did – some folk brought more than a little and some brought less. But there was plenty for everyone without a strain on anyone.
Even better was lots of people offered to help with this and that, it became a group BBQ. Very few of them knew each other and I didn’t know everyone that came either.
Might a model like this work for the world – could a simple thing like “do your weekly shop and spend 10% more towards the weekly food needs for the homeless” transform localised food inequality?
What would happen if for every €10 spent to educate a child in the wealthiest countries, €1 was contributed to a practical, effecient fund to educate a child in the less wealthy countries.
You see where I’m going with this.
Should we be removing dents in the world instead?
I read this by Fred Destin and it made me think ‘dent in the world???’
It’s a reference to Steve Jobs’ famous ding / dent in the Universe quote
“We’re here to put a dent in the universe. Otherwise why else even be here?
Perhaps we aren’t here to put a dent in the Universe.
Perhaps the universe is already dented – blasted by human, environmental and ecological assault. Dents that lend to our World’s broken-ness.
Corruption, wealth inequality, man-made ecological and environmental destruction, slavery, the disconnection of humanity from itself all seem like major dents to me.
Perhaps we are each here to smooth out the dents or at the very least not make them worse?
Can we get to a new world by using the same thinking that got us to this one?
My friend Doug Scott and I chat alot about “Kansas has been destroyed”.
The ‘Kansas’ we mean is in reference to The Wizard of Oz – where Dorothy is swept away from Kansas by a powerful hurricane, and taken to the magical land of Oz and all she wants to do is get back to where she came.
Doug and I speak of a New ‘Oz’ like world, significantly different from this one (which is Kansas) – operates on radically different principles, structures and purpose.
I’m slowly coming to the conclusion that this world of the pursuit of unlimited growth, profit is entirely unsustainable, that a new world is possible and urgently required and the strongest possibility to create it is by discovering, connecting and empowering more #linkybrains in our population.
If you don’t know what a LinkyBrain is – go read this.
Now imagine a world with 100 Elon Musks (Elon, being as Linky as they come!), each working on 3 of the most pressing challenges facing our world, with the urgency, creativity and resources of the Elon Musk we currently have.
Imagine 1000 or 10000 or 10 million Elon Musks.
But can we get their with the structures, language, rules, motivations and processes that we currently have?
What do you think?
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