April 22: Frustrations Galore

By: Jason BolonskiCC BY 2.0


Check In

I’m mad that I’ve spent most of today on two of the functional bits that should just work but don’t. With really important customer discovery effectively paused until I can get the ServiceChat beta site up, I’m seething that something I can’t identify is toying with me. Arrgghh – frustrating!
I’m glad that I’m physically feeling pretty great.
I’m excited at the blog posts that are being worked on by my buddy Amit Jaspal.

I’m in. Big time.

Achievements Since Last Retro

Still breathing.
Refactored my chat server to be cleaner and faster.

I Learned…

  1. Knowledge is not the pure domain of the experts.
  2. It’s ok to build something because you have a need (better if you can validate that others have similar need and willing to pay for it)

I Loved…

Every moment of today, even the mad bits.

I’m Grateful For…

My sons – who remind me that life is not startups and tech.

Next Desired Outcomes

  1. The rebranding completed
  2. Customer research started.
  3. Catching up with my adviser(s) this week.


One response to “April 22: Frustrations Galore”

  1. Olaf Lewitz avatar

    Welcome, my friend.
    I like the looks of Mr Frustration. You’ll see him again, and you’ll have long times without his presence. Cherish them:-)

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