Check In
I’m glad that I only worked a half day today, I got to spend the afternoon with my sons.
I’m glad that I was inspired to steal, with permission, Olaf’s template that he was inspired to make by reading this blog (everything is connected!) – Please let me know what you think of the format.
I’m mad that I had intermittent network issues with my broadband. If I only lived 200 meters closer to the exchange!
I’m sad that the week has come to an end, I feel like I could just make and make and make.
I’m glad my wife went to the Alhambra palace with her Mama – I think when we get bigger with children of our own we neglect experience-making with our own parents.
I’m sad about the bombing in Boston – it is an unnecessary was of lives
I’m mad that the first instinct of the media is to try and paint the perpetrators as muslim and stoke the flames of intolerance.
I’m in.
Achievements Since Last Retro
- I reviewed my business model canvas (I use BMFiddle.com – it is really awesome)
- I hired someone to work on a wordpress site for the ServiceChat blog to make it look seamlessly with the rebranding – he should be done by Monday
- The chat page of the rebranding is further ahead than I expected , though still not complete
- I got the first public not-self-initiated contact about ServiceChat today.
- Getting feedback from trying to deploy a beta version of ServiceChat. Lots broken in deploy, but better to know now.
I Learned…
- The spanish word for pig sty – ‘Pocilga’ (don’t ask me why I learned this)
- My business model canvas is indispensable as a coherent memory of the assumptions I made waaay back.
- My business mode canvas is only as good as the information I take the time to put into it.
I Loved…
- Watching my HootSuite research dashboard of the 4 companies I’m searching, wow – what a stream of pain.
I’m Grateful For…
Spotify. I am having so much fun singing, dancing and discovering new music during my working day.
Next Desired Outcomes
- The Chat screen completely restyled and working responsively on common handsets and browsers.
- Blog titles and synopses written up and ready for discussion with my collaborator on Sunday
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