Really challenging day, huge range of emotions but perhaps necessary. Mostly I am:
- Glad my routine is settling down and more that I am really enjoying it.
- Glad I got feedback from my friend and ServiceChat early adopter on my landing page. It was awesome feedback and the mods really enhanced it.
- Sad that I had a deep disappointment with a relationship that I thought was stronger than it actually is.
- Glad that I was like a ninja on some tech challenges I got stuck on. I gave the solutions time to find me
I’m grateful for the ability to be irreverent.
I’m very In.
The main goal today is to get the chat working again since I broke something! The tests need to go green before I move on to the other big elephant in the room – my explainer video.
I also will put together a mind map of options for funding from October (or sooner!) that I can discuss with my advisers.
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