Not sure what to make of this week. It’s a bit like being in the Tom Hanks movie ‘The Terminal’. I’m stuck but actually while I’m in this state of suspension there are really interesting things happening, but mostly I’m still stuck. Unlike Tom Hanks, my becoming unstuck is in my hands, I just don’t know how or I’m currently too scared to try – perhaps a bit of both. The former I can learn and the latter I will outgrow in time and by taking small risks.
Here is my check in:
- Glad that my Spanish language exchange is really going well. Duolingo is great, but it is no substitute for actually getting into really interesting conversations with a native speaker.
- Sad that I will be away from my family for 5 weeks while go do some coaching work.
- Glad that there are Spanish language meetups where I’ll be, so I can keep up
- Mad that I have not cracked this sales thing. I think I need to get a mentor/coach. That will be my task today – understand what I want help with!
- Glad that I will have 5 weeks of doing something else primarily and some focused time in a different location to put into overcoming what is currently got me stuck.
- I’m grateful for being able to reflect on things, sometimes too deeply – but that is a small price to pay for being able to reflect and learn.
I’m confused and stuck and in.
Improve On…
- Completing blog posts I have started
- Being more patient with this journey. Overnight successes take a long time to make.
- Blog. I’m trying to do 3 a day (this one, a personal one and one for ServiceChat about customer service).
- Talk to more customers
- Continue with the promo work for Twumps and BizBuzz. Not quite 20 hits/day but getting there (easier on Bizbuzz than Twumps).
The Trello board
There are many things I could do, do something or do nothing, but whatever I do will be deliberate.