It’s been a weird few days, my exhiliration at releasing ServiceChat is tempered by a realisation that the mountains left to climb are even higher than that of getting software built (which is really just a molehill!)
Oh young whippersnapper founder, hear me well – software is the easy bit. Finding customers and trying to get to have conversation with them (on a budget and with time pressures added for good measure) are the ‘real’ challenges.
- Glad I am still working to my routine, despite a resurgence in laziness!
- Glad I was emotionally reminded of my Dad from a picture taken in the early 60s. I wondered what me now, would say to him, then.
- Excited that I am slowly generating leads. Just because it took me a weekend to read Lean Startup by Eric Ries doesn’t mean it takes a weekend to build a startup!
- I’m grateful for the parents I had /have. Age my bend our knees but it won’t bow our heads.
I’m tired and in.
Mostly today is about doing stuff planned in my marketing plan/strategy. Today it’s shortlisting target companies and seeking introductions through my network.
Create my early adopter lead generation funnel and start approaching potential customers from the research I did a few months ago ( I have to check the findings again first).
Start using LinkedIn more deeply – especially now I signed up for a business account. Will try it for a month and see what results I get.
The Trello board…
I built a solution to help people have conversations. I desperately need to have conversations myself with businesses. Can you help?