Traction is vital, getting early customers to commit to using what I’m offering is very important. Both are vital and important for my finances and startup growth, sure – but mostly for my sanity.
I’m a maker and an artist. I make the art that is in my head. Many of the things I make are because I had a problem and I expressed a way to solve them. When I bring them to the market (as ineptly as I do) and expect some meaningful response, I am investing emotional energy into that. I care that I get a response – much more than the nature of that response. I can handle praise and rejection but much less so, apathy.
So my new strategy of trying to be found by prospective customers is off to a slow start, but a start nonetheless. Here is my check in:
- Mad that I am really struggling to keep my schedule on track, my options for being flexible are limited when I start late and end later. If I start on time (9.30) , I am actually far more flexible to do other stuff (like going to the beach!) because I would have made some progress.
- Glad that I can changed most things to get back to routine – this is a really valuable thing about working for myself.
- Glad I had another idea and my technique for welcoming them and giving them a slot to explore them is successful at keeping me focused on finishing
- I’m grateful for having different onion skins to other people and having mine not constrain me from being myself.
I’m in (onion skins and all).
Improve On…
Being a better marketeer – better meaning braver, more authentic, more dedicated, better organised. Avoid the schmoltz.
Being a better researcher – everything – my potential customers, competitors , collaborators.
The trello board says it all. basically as much of the stuff I have on there as possible. Mostly blogs. But absolutely must…
Write ServiceChat blog post on ‘I am the greatest customer service expert in the world’.
Do some promotion work on Twumps and ServiceChat and get at least 20 unique visitors to each today.
The Trello board…

Ask yourself if you are doing everything* you can to be successful
* – whilst remaining congruent with your values, fair to those you love and kind to yourself